Thursday, October 16, 2008

Spanish Accents

Ok so I'm not quiet sure why but everyone here seems to think I'm from a completely different place when they hear me speak Spanish. I've had people tell me my Puerto Rican accent is so obvious, which I think is hillarious since I haven't even lived there. I'm also had people think I'm Cuban, or South American, and the most hilarious one was today in a cab when the guy thought I was from Russia or Ukraine can someone please explain that to me!!! I don't really get it, but it's been interesting to see how complete strangers take you just by the way you speak. Well that's my rant of the week. I leave for Guatemala on Saturday and I can't wait, there will tons of photos when I get back.

Hope you are all enjoying them and that everyone is doing well.



Mari Velez said...

Russian? Have you been talking to Lena all the time in Russian??? LOL!! :-) All I can say is just like I always tell you, us Puertoricans come in all colors, shapes and even's the melting pot.

Mari Velez said...

Can't wait to see pictures from Guatemala. Cuidate!