Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Ohh Political Science

So I'm not usually a fan of politic science class wise, most definately into politics but all the theory nonsense is just not practical for my life. SO LET ME TELL YOU what a DIFFERENCE a political science in Costa Rica is like. Can we say field trip (s)!!!!! I have officially been on four seperate field trips with my class to Congress, Tribunal Election Council, Foreign Affairs and tomorrow the Presidency. And yeah I'm getting a grade for this is that not amazing. I'm actually getting to visit and talk to people that are involved with the issues we discuss in class and they are all so willing to help and get connected with students. It's just been really interesting to get to meet people working in this field in another country it's really quite cool. I didn't think I had mentioned these before so I just thought I'd share. Political science isn't the only class I've had various field trips in my GST with Dr.Weston has also had several as well as class outside, even my Spanish class got to go on one yesterday.

Yeah basically I just absolutely love studying abroad, I mean I love being at Elon and that's a huge difference from most colleges but having these experiences abroad has by far been my favorite thing about Elon, and this one is most definately not an exception.

Hope you are enjoying the pictures and this week there will be many more from Nicaragua.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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