Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well this past weekend we went to Monteverde as a group, Monteverde is much colder then San Jose but a really nice temperature. We took a really long hike Saturday and Sunday did the skywalk, some of the others did the zipline but since I had already done that I decided to try something different. Something really interesting I got to do when we got there on Friday was visit two alternative schools, the Monteverde Cloud Forest School, and the Quaker Friends School. I'm really interested in alternative educational systems and other countries systems so this was definately what I enjoyed the most of my weekend, my professor, his wife, and Scott and I went and did this when we first arrived. There are some pictures that you all can see, but because of the crummy weather we didn't see any animals but there are still some nice pictures you all can see. This weekend is still up in the air, the rest of the group is in an environmental studies class but since I'm doing an internship I'm not in that class, well they have a field trip this weekend, so I may or may not go out of town so we'll see. I can't believe it's almost October time is absolutely flying, we have to do our visa trip and we are going to Nicaragua and then for fall break I'm heading to Guatemala and Honduras hopefully and I'm really excited about this!!

Hope everyone is doing well,


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