Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mid-Year Crisis = New Life, New Blog :)

Hey everyone. So I committed to writing more often and as usual life gets in the way. It's funny I really want to ramp up this blog, I've read some pretty spectacular blogs and I'll love to be as connected to my readers as other bloggers are, so I'm going to work harder to write more often and truly start changing up the content of this blog.

From now on this blog will still have personal updates for all my friends and family that read it but also hopefully to bring in a larger audience to this blog. If there is something I have learned in the last 12 months when I lived in Flagstaff, AZ it's how very different and alike us young professionals really are from previous generations. We are truly moving back towards being like the 60s idealists, and while some of use have parents who grew up in that era some of ours did not, and we tend to have very different viewpoints from our family on specific topics.

Well I want to use this blog to talk about the ups and downs of being a young idealist professional that still has the optimism and drive to actually work to see a difference in our world. Many people tell me don't ever loss that spirit because so many others have lost their spark with the discontent they've had with our government, our country, and our world. And trust me sometimes I'm one of them. But something I really learned at Elon University was we can't just complain, we have to go out there and make it happen. And guess what that's exactly what I plan to do. I welcome you to the roller coaster ride that is my life. I hope you enjoy coming along for the ride.

Another area I really want to talk about more on this new blog, is chronic health issues and how it is affecting so many of us now. I have had a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia since I was 16,  a "syndrome" that using doesn't affect people till there late 30s and usually more women who are typically type A. People who don't know about this and find out only when I get really sick, typically tell me they had no idea I even had health problems because I've always had such a hard time admitting that I have limitations. I pretty much want to be wonder women, which as I'm truly seen over the past few years, is the biggest reason why us women have a hard time with not only traditional roles but also with our modern roles. The older I've gotten and the more time I've spent out of college, the more I realize why my mother wanted me to start changing my life around when I got the fibro diagnosis. She told me that we women are far more likely to not know how to say no, be workahoics, but then expect to have a normal personal life, we just want to make everyone happy. Which in the last 6 months I have learned harder then ever that she's totally right and always has been. My health has deteriorated in the last several months and I knew it was time for a drastic change. I need to learn balance better, I'm always been great at the academic and work life, but it's my personal life where I really struggle the most. Whether it's my friendships, dating relationships, or the lack of time I spend actually taking care of myself, when I ended back in the hospital 3 weeks ago, I knew everyone who has always tried to help me have always been right. But like they say, until the individual has had enough and decides to change it themselves they will never change. Well guess what, I'M THERE!

3 Weeks Ago, I left my job, moved to a new town to live closer to family, after long discussion Rob and I decided we'd actually take the plunge and live together, been going to countless doctors to get to the bottom of the most recent major flair in symptoms. As I've always thought there was a missing diagnosis and that the fibromyalgia was just modern medicine's way of saying " we have no idea why you are the way that you are" . But answers have slowly been coming in and I've been able to set up an appointment with a specialist in Fibromyalgia who actually takes a look at medicine from an integrative standpoint, so I can't wait to actually go see him, and start getting this healing process to go into overdrive. I'm now just contracted to tutor, and have been looking at some new opportunities to start consulting. I also FINALLY after many years have found the perfect masters program for my interests and personality and will be applying in the coming months to hopefully start in the fall.

For those of you that are new to this blog, the post below is a quick update of the last several months, so you can catch up. But from here on out I hope to make a major change to this blog and my life.

I hope you enjoy riding on this roller coaster with me, and that the personal and professional growth I am so deeply seeking might be an inspiration to others who may be experiencing some of what I've been going through. Please comment and post, and contact me through LinkedIn or twitter to connect. I love constantly expanding my network of incredible people around the country and world.

I look forward to enjoying this adventure as much with any new readers and getting to finally focus on what matters most, living life one day at a time and enjoying it!

Till Next Time, Coral :)

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