Thank goodness it's Friday!!!! This has been a very long week. I am still working on getting the pics from family weekend from mom so as soon as I get them I will post them. So I finally understand calculus which is pretty darn exciting seeing how I spent a semester in high school and understood zero. I have mid terms next week and then Saturday at the crack of dawn we are leaving for our fall break trip with my dorm, we are heading to DC for 4 days. We had a pulitzer prize winner as our fall convocation speaker last night, his name is Edmond Morris we was really good and really funny. I may read one of his books when I have some extra time. Tonight I have a SMART event, which is a minority student mentoring organization for freshman and we have an activity tonight it should be fun. I'm going to go see Hot L Baltimore this Sunday with my gang, our theatre department is putting it on all this week and it's supposed to be really good so I am excited. Well I think that's all for now. Hope everyone is having a good week, email me sometime.
Coral :)
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