Saturday, February 24, 2007

Update from Winter Term and Feb.

Hi everyone!!! Sorry it's been so long it's been crazy over here!! When as you can see I got back from Paris at the end of January, so please check out the pics there are descriptions of what they are every 4-5 pics. I also moved into a new apartment so there are some pics there, it's more finished now but that gives you an idea at least. I had changed majors in the fall so I'm starting all new classes but I'm super excited and really like them even though I work coming from every direction possible!! Then trying to have fun on the sides so we cook, go dancing to ballroom when we can on Fridays, try to have game nights or movies every once in a while. And just living life!! I have another website now it's since I am doing a teaching practicum and volunteering teaching GRE/ESL students I have to write journals for both classes so I decided to create this website so you could read about my experiences. The first pics you will see are me and Luke those are recent we went to a free dance with my roommate last weekend, so enjoy.

Well that's the update for now. I hope everyone is well, and don't forget to write!!

C :)

Me and Luke at the Snowball dance, just some fun pics!!!

more pics of my beautiful apartment!!!

my new apartment!!!!


Fun pics from throughout the night!!

DANCING in Paris!!! This was our second to last free day!

The gang the last night is Paris!!! We went dancing haha!!

Moulin Rouge, us on the Seine river cruise first one is me, then the other one is Turner, Ash, Kayleign, me, and Jeremy, the last one is me and Turner in front of Notre Dame, and the last one is obvious but it's sideways because I couldn't fix it sorry.

French National Opera House, this is where Phantom of the Opera was filmed

Sainte Chapel is in the first two, then we have the Louvre, and my friends at the Louvre, and then ppl from by group out in Paris.

Here we have the Metro, the transit system sign, Notre Dame, and Sainte Chapel